A few changes…

Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing alright.

Some of you might have noticed that there have been a few minor changes on this blog. I’ve changed the URL and the title, and a few things have been rearranged. Let me explain.

You’ll notice that I have been…lacking in the posting department, which is pretty essential when you’re trying to run a blog. To be honest, I kinda lost motivation. I ran out of things to say, didn’t know what I wanted to share. I wasn’t happy with what I was writing.

So I’ve decided to change some things around. First off, this blog is going to include a lot more than faith. Don’t worry: the faith aspect of this blog will still be here! I just want to open the door a little wider so that I can write about more than just that.

I also am challenging myself this week. I’m passionate about this blog, but I lost motivation. So, I’m challenging myself to post everyday for the next week. It’ll be hard, but I think it’s exactly what I need and will be a great jumpstart for this blog!

I’m beyond excited to start writing again. It’s what I’m passionate about and what I hope to do for a living once I’m out of school. I hope you’ll join me on this journey!

Please let me know what you’d like to see me write about on this blog! I’m always open to suggestions. 

Thank you all for sticking with me, and I hope you have a blessed day!

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